
Sunny Path Therapy Services is currently an Out of Network Provider. All clients are considered private pay. At this time private insurance is not accepted. A Super Bill may be offered every month that you can send to your insurance company. It is not guaranteed that your insurance will reimburse the services. Please check with your insurance to see if out-of-network speech-language therapy services are covered.


A comprehensive evaluation is conducted by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist and includes an assessment of both speech and language, a written report, and a follow-up consultation to discuss the results and recommendations. For bilingual English-Spanish speakers, a bilingual evaluation will be conducted to assess receptive and expressive skills in both languages.

Therapy Services

Therapy sessions are 30 minutes long consisting of both therapy, review, and caregiver education. Contact me via phone call or e-mail to inquire about cost of services for evaluations and speech therapy.